Styling after lockdown

✱✱Warning Warning✱✱ the end of lockdown is imminent and soon we will have to grace the outside world, but one thing......what do we wear!!  Ok, ok, that's a tad dramatic, there are of course far more superior problems in the world, and actually we still have a long way to go before our lives get back to 'normal' whatever that may mean now, but there is light at the end of the tunnel for many lucky ones and gradually restrictions are being lifted.  So where does that leave us?  A little anxious perhaps about entering the big wide world again when we have been in our own little bubbles for the last few months?  Excited to get back out there and start doing the simple things we took for granted previously?  Overjoyed at the thought of having a little 'me' time once partners and kids have been packed off back to work and school? Or overjoyed at being able to get back to socialising and having that human contact after what have been a terribly lonely few months?  All I know is we have all experienced our own 'journeys' over these last few months, some more enjoyable than others, but hopefully we have all had time to reflect and learn a little more about ourselves.  But...... how do we transition from our 'house' clothes to something, anything that is classed as presentable?!  

For the first month in our house I was perfectly content in joggers (Karl Lagerfeld would be turning in his grave!) and slouchy tops, well I was home-schooling and I absolutely had to be comfortable right??  This was my lovely cosy, comfy bubble for some time, but gradually I found myself longing for some colour, some texture and heck some style!  So I snapped myself out of it and started wearing my accessories or a splash of my signatory red lipstick, I didn't care that I wasn't going to be seeing anyone, it made me feel better and that is what styling is all about.  So I put it to you, for the last phase of lockdown (hopefully) why not start trying new things, pushing your boundaries and stepping out of your comfort zone.  What a perfect opportunity to do so, I know it can be daunting trying anything new but why not try a huge pair of statement earrings or a splash of bright lippie or a beautiful big bright bow in your hair, I guarantee it makes the housework feel so much more bearable!  Once you get used to wearing these fabulous pieces at home, and I promise it doesn't take long, start venturing out with them, a lovely walk in the sunshine or a trip to the supermarket, gradually these pieces will become part of your everyday life and feel like second nature.  So try it, what have you got to loose?


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