Here we go again.......

With last nights news of another lock down, it's made me think about how people are going to cope 2nd time around.

The first lock down was alien to us wasn't it, we'd never heard anything like it, it felt like we were entering an apocalypse.  There was homeschooling (rolls eyes to the back of my head), Joe Wicks every morning (just watching him counted right?), getting glammed up for the weekly food shop or to take the bins out, and the baking......every other day there was a new, wonderful creation, I'm still paying for that now with my waistline.  But in a funny kind of way, to me it was a bit like the start of an adventure, we had it covered.  I was one of the fortunate ones, I appreciate that.  Don't get me wrong I'd had enough as the months went on and was craving some kind of normality, but on the whole I did ok with it.

But this time around it feels a little different.  I guess because I know what's coming.  We wont have glorious weather to enjoy in our gardens, it wont be new and dare I say it exciting, we wont be baking up a storm everyday as we know the consequences, and Joe Wicks who??

Everyone had and will have different experiences when it comes to lock down, I get that .  Some will cope ok, others not so much.  Some will have a house full of noise every day, for others it will be deathly silent.  I think the one thing we all have in common is that we can agree it's pretty rubbish.  My heart goes out to all the small local businesses that were just finding their feet again after a ghastly year, only to be back to square one, sadly many will not make it through this 2nd period.  My heart goes out to anyone that doesn't have anyone to share lock down with.  My heart goes out to anyone that has been directly affected by COVID, that has and will lose loved ones.

So what do we do?  Well to start with I think we need to check we are all ok.  It's ok to not be ok.  Check in with any friends and family that are on their own, write letters, send emails, pick up the phone, be kind; remember that hashtag from the beginning of the year?  Next lets try and make the most of this time wherever possible, learn something new, there are some great online courses around whether it be learning to make Christmas wreaths, jewellery, yoga, how to apply makeup, you name it there is a course out there with your name on it.  New Skills Academy have some great ones, very reasonably priced, and all online.  Read some books, meditate, clean out your wardrobe, write down your own affirmations, pick up a paintbrush and try your hand at painting, you don't have to be the next Monet this is for YOU and you only.

Another thing I think we should all be doing is supporting local businesses wherever possible.  Get your Christmas shopping done, I know this Christmas is likely to be very different from any we have ever experienced before, but it will still be going ahead lock down or no lock down.  A lot of Christmas markets have gone virtual this year, how fantastic that people are getting themselves out there showcasing their wonderful businesses and creations.  Find one near you and try and purchase any gifts from these local sellers.  They say every time you buy from a local business an actual person does a happy dance, I love that and believe it to be very true!  

I wrote a blog a few months ago about coming out of lock down and what to wear back in the real world.  It was tongue in cheek as obviously there are more important things to worry about, but there is a bit of seriousness to it.  You see what we wear can affect our mood.  Pop some statement earrings on or a sequin blouse and you feel like you can take on the world.  Try it, it works, it can lift your spirits if you are having a bit of a blue day.  One day during our last lock down we decided to take a day off from homeschooling and have our very own party, the dress code was sequins and butterfly face paint, my 5 year old had a blast, as did I.  Sometimes you just have to forget about whats going on in the outside world, don your sparkliest of sequins and dance to girls just wanna have fun around your living room!

The single most important thing is to make sure you look after yourself, your mental health goes above anything else, there are people to talk to if you need to, don't ever suffer in silence.

So will you be trying your hand to anything new this time around?


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